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Past SPF Projects

woman on mountain

Outdoor Adventures Dehydrator and Reusable Snack Bags

This project focuses on making the Outdoor Adventures program more sustainable by supplying the program with a food dehydrator and reusable snack bags. These additions help promote the importance of a sustainable lifestyle to fellow students and staff in the community.

folks watching a presentation

Threat to National Security & Risks to Global Environmental Sustainability Educational Event, Richard Scrivens & Jason Beyer

This event brings awareness to the importance of sustainability globally through the means of education. Presenters Jason Beyer, Richard Scrivens, and special guest Major General Jackson, discuss the current threats to national security and risks to global environmental sustainability through the lens of military experience.

students getting food

Vegan Made Easy workshop, Lindsey Cain

This event focuses on the individual health benefits as well as the global environmental benefits of veganism. Between workshops, one will learn ways to transition to a vegan lifestyle, and why one should adapt a more sustainable - vegan lifestyle. The hope of this event is to inspire all attendees to make small changes in their diet to contribute to a healthier life and healthier Earth.

student with punch card

Fresh Market Monday Reusable Bag Distribution, Alejandrina Mercado

The Sustainable Produce Bag project aims to reduce the Cougar Pantry's use of single-use plastic bags during its "Market Monday" distribution: over a series of weeks, large mesh produce bags are distributed to students and using a correlative punch-card, students are rewarded for bringing the bag back each week.

person holding clipboard

Breaking Down Menstrual Stigmas, Marina Flowers

This workshop focuses on destigmatizing sustainable menstruation products as well as periods as a whole. This project provided a space to discuss these stigmas and how they affect all people who menstruate. Not only did this project provide that space but also provided free reusable menstruation products that students were interested in trying.