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Requirements For French Minor

French Minor Requirements

To fulfill the French Minor, students must complete the following curriculum, at minimum (15) units. Students may apply up to six units of transfer credit toward the minor. Students must earn a grade of a C or higher in each course for the minor. 15-21 units total:


I. Lower-Division
 Course Units
Proficiency through FREN 102 0-6
FREN 201 or equivalent 3
FREN 202 or equivalent 3
Total Lower-Division Coursework 6-12
  • To determine equivalent, consult with French Program advisor. Students must successfully pass the French challenge exam to be granted equivalency on the desired courses. Upper division courses cannot be challenged.

II. Upper Division
 Course Units
FREN 311 3
FREN 312 3
Total Upper-Division Coursework 6
III. French Electives
 Course Units
FREN 314 3
FREN 315 3
FREN 350 3
FREN 380 3
FREN 395 1-3
LTWR 410 3
  • 3 units of one of the upper division French Courses and/or 3 units of one of the upper division Literature and Writing course