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The following prerequisite course names and numbers are offered at CSUSM. Requirements vary among individual schools and subject to change. Please check each school you intend to apply.

MATHEMATICS: (1 semester)

  • MATH 160 “Calculus with Applications I"


  • BIOL 215 "Biostatistics"; or
  • MATH 242 "Intro to Statistics"

GENERAL CHEMISTRY: (2 semesters with Lab)

  • CHEM 150/150L "Gen Chemistry I + Lab"; and
  • CHEM 160/175 "Gen Chemistry II + Lab"; or  CHEM 160/275 "Gen Chemistry II + Quantitative Investigations"

**CHEM 275 only if required by major

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: (1 semester with Lab)

  • CHEM 201/201L "Organic Chemistry I + Lab"

BIOCHEMISTRY (1 or 2 semesters; lab optional)

  • CHEM 341 "General Biochemistry" (if only 1 semester required); or
  • CHEM 351/352 "Biochemistry I/II" (if 2 semesters required)
  • CHEM 351L "Biochemistry Lab" (if lab required)

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: (2 semesters with Lab)

  • BIOL 210 "Intro to Cellular & Molecular Biology + Lab"; and BIOL 211 "Intro to Organismal & Population Biology + Lab"
  • BIOL 160 "Microbiology + Lab" (lower-division); or 
  • BIOL 367 “Biology of Microorganisms + Lab” (upper-division)

HUMAN ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY: (1 semester with Lab)

  • BIOL 175/176 "Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology I/II + Lab"; or
  • BIOL 177/178 "Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology I/II  + Lab for Kinesiology"

**Equivalents can also be completed at a community college

PHYSICS: (2 semesters with Lab)

  • PHYS 101/102 "Intro to Physics I/II + Lab"; or
  • PHYS 201/202 "Physics of Mechanics & Sound/Electromagnetism & Optics + Lab" (calculus-based); or
  • PHYS 205/206 "Physics for the Biological Sciences + Lab" (calculus-based)


  • PSYC 100 "Intro to Psychology" 


  • GEW 101 "Principles of Written Communication"; and LTWR 115 "Critical Reading & Writing"; or
  • GEW 101 "Principles of Written Communication"; and LTWR 100 "Intro to Literature"; or
  • LTWR 100 "Intro to Literature"; and LTWR 115 "Critical Reading & Writing"

Additional Courses to Consider


  • BIOL 351 “Molecular Cell Biology + Lab” (upper-division)
  • BIOL 352 “Genetics + Lab” (upper-division)
  • BIOL 353 “Comparative Animal Physiology + Lab” (upper-division)
  • BIOL 477 "Immunology" (upper-division)
  • BIOL 477L "Immunology Lab" (upper-division)


  • GEO 102 "Oral Communication"