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Enrollment FAQ


Enrolling with a Class Number

  • How do I enroll with a class number?

    1. Log in to MyCSUSM

    2. Click on the Student Center (in the mobile app: click on Student Self Service, then Student Center)

     student center in MyCSUSM

    3. Under Academics, click on Enroll (in the mobile app: click on the top left menu, select My Classes & Enrollment, then Enrollment: Add Classes)

    enroll screen in MyCSUSM

    4. Select the term in which you wish to enroll and click Continue

    5. In Enter Class Nbr, enter the 5 digit CRN or Class Number and click Enter Class Number page in MyCSUSM


    6. If a permission number is required, enter the 6 digit code in Permission Nbr (only required if the class has already begun for summer or beyond the first week of the semester for fall/spring)

    7. Click Next (this will add the course to your shopping cart)

    8. If no additional classes to add, click Proceed to Step 2 of 3

    9. Click Finish Enrolling


Class Availability


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