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What's New? Upcoming Events and Opportunities

The County of San Diego Behavioral Health System

We are looking for Transitional Age Youth (TAY) between the ages of 18-26 with lived experience to advocate for others in similar circumstances and can commit to meeting the 2nd Monday of every month from 9:00 – 10:30 AM. The County of San Diego Behavioral Health System is seeking to fill two empty seats on the Children, Youth, and Family Behavioral Health System of Care Council (CYFBHSOCC). The two available seats are held for an individual who has received Special Education OR Behavioral Health Services (past or present) AND an individual who has received Child Welfare Services OR Juvenile Justice Services (past or present). For students interested, please contact More information can be found at: CYFBHSOC Council 

Additionally, we wanted to introduce your students to our Coaching Meetings! On the 4th Friday of every month, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, a special guest presenter from a local community program shares tips and information related to mental health, social services, local resources, and more! Examples include “Mandated Reporter Training” and “How to Become a Peer Support Specialist." This monthly meeting is open to all who are interested! It is a great place to learn more information, as well as network with local non-profits and agencies. For professors, if you are able to be a guest presenter, please email us at We hope to see CSUSM students there!  


Further details are available atCSUSM Incident website


  • Psi Chi and the Psychology Student Organization (PSO) are two student-run psychology organizations at CSUSM. Psi Chi and PSO host meetings together on a bi-weekly basis throughout fall and spring semesters. Attending these meetings will allow you to meet other psychology CSUSM students, hear from guest speakers from various psychology-related professions, and learn more about research opportunities, graduate school, and majoring in psychology.
  • New Therapy Groups/Workshops offered for Students through Student Health & Counseling Services.