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Curriculum Tracking

Curriculum Proposal Tracking

This page is provided by Academic Programs to enable the campus community to follow the progress of curriculum proposals (new course proposals, course deletions, course changes, new program proposals, and program changes) in the current cycle.
Curriculum Proposal Links:

First, a word about the curriculum approval process....

Curriculum proposals are prepared by individual faculty members who submit their proposals, in consultation with their Program Director (or Department Chair), to the College's Curriculum Committee. That Committee works with their Dean's Office for resource issues and with other disciplines in the event they would be impacted.  

The proposal is then sent to the Academic Programs Office, who sends it to the appropriate senate committees (UCC, BLP GEC and/or DECC) for review.

If at any time during a proposal's review process there are questions raised at any of the committees, the proposal originator and/or the Program Director will be contacted and consulted.

The Academic Programs Office will be recording the action taken at UCC, GEC and DECC. For detailed information about the status of a proposal faculty are encouraged to view the status tab on the proposal form in Curriculog.

After the proposal has received approval by the appropriate committee, they are ultimately reviewed by the Academic Senate, then approved and completed by the Dean of Academic Programs. New programs that have received full campus endorsement are then forwarded to the Chancellor's Office for their review.