Your  Account:

Connect with a Tutor

We offer many forms of support. Our tutoring comes in following forms

  • In-Person Tutoring is hosted in the Extended Learning Building (ELB) Room 273. While we encourage you to schedule an appointment, walk-in sessions are also available during business hours on a first come, first served basis. 
  • Online Tutoring is hosted on Microsoft Teams, which all students have automatic access to. Online tutoring sessions are by-appointment, but students can also get answers to their questions on our Quick Help channel.
  • Ongoing Support is an opportunity for students to meet with the same tutor throughout the semester and receive resources relevant to their development as student-writers. 
  • Asynchronous Feedback allows students to submit their work as well as the concerns they have about that work. A tutor will provide feedback within 2 to 5 business days.

Some students visit us as an assignment by an instructor or advisor. Some services count toward these requirements and some do not. To learn more, visit Visiting for Credit.