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2021 MLK Day Virtual Volunteer Opportunities


Virtual MLK Day of Service, Day On, Not Off

This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, opt for a "Day On not a Day Off" by committing to serve at least one (1) hour or more to one of the following opportunities. No matter the time frame, we appreciate your willingness to serve community from home!

2021 Virtual Volunteer Opportunities

This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, opt for a "Day On not a Day Off" by committing to serve at least one (1) hour or more to one of the following opportunities. No matter the time frame, we appreciate your willingness to serve community from home!

  • Smithsonian Museum Transcription - As a Digital Volunteer you will transcribe historical documents to make them more accessible.
  • Operation Gratitude - Contribute to a care package by writing a thank you letter to military and first responders. Operation Gratitude will send you a letter writing kit to start!
  • National Archives - Become a citizen archivist by tagging, transcribing and, making records more accessible and searchable.
  • Love it Forward List - Send a note, drawing, origami, or collage to send a message of love and hope to someone in need.
  • LibroVox - Record yourself reading chapters of a book to be added to a public domain audiobook platform.
  • Words Alive! Page Turners - Read and review books from the Words Alive! recommendation list to determine which books should be added to their program curriculum.

Explore more virtual service opportunities with HandsOn San DiegoAmeriCorps MLK Day of Service and 9/11 Day: Tomorrow Together.

Register for your Virtual Volunteer Experience

Disclaimer: Cal State San Marcos and the Day of Service Committee does not encourage in-person, direct-service volunteering. If you choose to on your own will, do so by following the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and your local Health Department.

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