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We invite you to join APIDA-FSA!

Association membership for APIDA-FSA is not limited to Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Desis only, but rather to "California State University San Marcos employees" who support the spirit and intent of the association's mission statement.


Membership dues are $20/academic year. Please mail your check made payable to "CSUSM Foundation," notation "APIDA-FSA, First & Last Name" to the following address:

CSU San Marcos
Attn: Cashier's Office
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096-0001

For additional questions on memebrship, please email Jeffrey Morales, APIDA-FSA Treasurer, or x7202.

Friends of APIDA-FSA

Individuals from the university and community who subscribe to the spirit and intent of the Association's mission statement, but do not wish to become voting members may elect to be affiliated with APIDA-FSA. Such individuals may become "Friends of APIDA-FSA" by contributing $10 per calendar year. A "friend of APIDA-FSA" is not eligible to vote, but is welcome and invited to all APIDA-FSA meetings and events.

Dues and fundraising contribution is used to support APIDA-FSA and CSUSM student events such as the API Graduation Ceremony.

Pay Online

  1. Go to: Cashnet - San Marcos 
  2. Select APIDA-FSA
  3. Enter $ amount
    $20 full voting membership or $10 affiliate membership
  4. Review basket and proceed to check out. 
  5. Enter your name and select a reason for payment (Membership, Donation, etc.)
  6. Enter your form of payment. 
  7.  Review and confirm the information, then click “Submit Payment.” 


Please contact Mae Talicuran, APIDA-FSA President if you have questions about APIDA-FSA and/or are interested in joining at or