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Completed Projects

Event & Venue Marketing Conference - June 2024

~ Molly Streicher

The Event and Venue Marketing Conference provided me with valuable insights into the industry I aspire to join post-graduation. The conference not only enhanced my knowledge of marketing tactics on a national and global scale but also allowed me to make meaningful connections for my future career path.

The conference was a transformative experience that not only expanded my industry knowledge but also solidified my career aspirations. I am grateful for the connections made and the confidence gained in networking with successful individuals. Attending this conference was a significant step in my professional development, and I am excited to apply the lessons learned to my future endeavors!

Molly Streicher


Quinnipiac GAME Forum - April 2024

~ Cory Large and Juan Hernandez

Our experience at the GAME Forum was genuinely enriching and enlightening. We had the opportunity to network with representatives from numerous universities, fostering connections and laying the groundwork for potential collaborations in the future. These interactions allowed us to exchange ideas and best practices, mainly focusing on enhancing the operations and performance of our student-run investment fund, the Cougar Fund. We are eager to leverage these connections to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration during our future Cougar Fund meetings, ultimately enriching our investment strategies and overall fund management approach.

GAME Forum

Finance Leaders' Conference - March 2024

~ Elaine Damiani, Jennifer Galaviz, and Melauni Korkis

Thanks to receiving the College of Business Administration Student Success Grant, we were able to step into a room filled with speakers from S&P Global, UBS, and Morgan Stanley. We heard from keynote speakers and—most importantly—had the opportunity to network with like-minded people who shared our desire to work in finance and might consider relocating to New York City for that purpose. We had the opportunity to hear from senior investment strategists and guest speakers from NASDAQ regarding their investment perspective, and were fortunate to meet women in the industry who could relate to the struggles we have faced as women in the finance industry.


FMA group

Quinnipiac GAME Forum - April 2023

~ Logan Laurell and Jose de Jesus Solache

Quinnipiac's the G.A.M.E. Forum is a student organized event that gathers students from over 100 schools to discuss and debate financial practices with well-regarded industry leaders, along with a portfolio competition. While we did not get chosen to present our portfolio and trifold, we still spent a good bit of time standing next to it and fielding questions pertaining to our portfolio. We met many students from across America and demonstrated our fund’s investing strategy and what our plan is in the future. It was a wonderful experience to participate in and we thank CSUSM for the opportunity to represent our school.


Logan Laurell

GlobalMindEd Conference - June 2022

~ Kelly Zimbelmann

The GlobalMindEd Conference is where inclusive education and career leaders convene to improve access to education, employment, and economic mobility for First Gen college students, poverty-affected, and minoritized students hardest hit by COVID the last two years. Each session included at least one student on every panel with a diverse mix of panelists discussing topics focused on (but not limited to) diversity, equity, and inclusion. This conference was an excellent opportunity for me to meet like-minded individuals, faculty members, and employers, as well as allowing me to network with people who will expand my professional network.

 Kelly Zimbelmann


Finance Leaders' Conference - March 2022

~ Zhanar Jerew, Brianna Schotmiller, and Altaf Safi

The conference structure featured guest speakers from different sectors and a variety of Q&A panels. Our favorite speaker was Kelly Richmond Pope, a forensic accountant who spoke about her career fighting white collar crime and also showed a few minutes of a film she produced called All the Queen's Horses. Our favorite panel was the Women in Finance, because the speakers were very honest. They discussed the women’s perspective in a male-dominated field and how to address issues of inequality and create diversity. They also gave great advice on how to handle certain situations and assert yourself as a woman in your field. CSUSM was the smallest school represented, with only the three of us in attendance, but the experience was incredible and we're grateful to CoBA for helping us get there.

Group 2