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CSTEM Faculty Participation in the LAEP Program

The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students at public colleges and universities the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. 

LAEP allows a participating student placement in an educationally beneficial position to conduct research in the student’s area of study, career objective, or the exploration of career objectives. 

Guidelines and Information about Form Submission

Documents Required: Faculty Resources | Learning-Aligned Employment Program | CSUSM

  • Approved Proposal
  • Faculty/College Employer Agreement
  • Student Agreement
  • Screenshot of LAEP Student Eligibilty

Additional Information Required:

Please click the button/link below to complete the CSTEM LAEP Hiring form to complete the final step for hiring a LAEP student assistant. 

LAEP Student Hiring Form for CSTEM Faculty

For support for the LAEP, please contact

For hiring support, please contact Courtney Dow,