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M.A. Faculty

Faculty & Areas of Specialization

Ibrahim Al-Marashi  

Associate Professor of History
Middle Eastern History

Degrees: B.A. University of California, Los Angeles; M.A. Georgetown University; Ph.D. University of Oxford

Selected Research: Iraq's Armed Forces: An Analytical History (Routledge, 2008); With Alexander Gray, Peace and Conflict: Europe and Beyond (University of Deusto Press, 2006); "Sadrabilia: The Visual Narrative of Muqtada Al-Sadr's Islamist Politics and Insurgency in Iraq", in Rhetoric of the Image: Visual Culture in Modern Muslim Contexts (Indiana Univ. Press, forthcoming).

Darel Engen

Associate Professor of History
Ancient World, Ancient Greece and Rome, Film, Social and Economic

Degrees: B.A. UCLA; M.A. UCLA; Ph.D. UCLA

Selected Research: Honor and Profit: Athenian Trade Policy and the Economy and Society of Greece, 415-307 B.C.E. (U of Michigan, forthcoming); "Ancient Greenbacks: Athenians Owls, the Law of Nikophon, and the Greek Economy" Historia 54, (2005) 4: 359-381; "Trade, Traders, and the Economy of Athens in the Fourth Century B.C.E." in Prehistory and History: Ethnicity, Class, and Political Economy (Black Rose, 2001).

Suzanna Krivulskaya

Assistant Professor of History
Modern U.S., Gender, Media, Religion, Sexuality, Digital History

Degrees: B.A. LCC International University; M.A. Yale Divinity School; Ph.D. University of Notre Dame

Selected Publications: “Queer Rumors: Protestant Ministers, Unnatural Deeds, and Church Censure in the Twentieth-Century United States,” Religion and American Culture (2021); "The Itinerant Passions of Protestant Pastors: Ministerial Elopement Scandals in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era Press," Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (2020); "Networks of Piety and Slavery among Late Eighteenth-Century Rural Maryland Catholics," Current Research in Digital History (2019); "Paths of Duty: Religion, Marriage, and the Press in a Transatlantic Scandal, 1835-1858," Journal of American Studies (2019).

Graduate Courses Offered: HIST 502: History and Applied Media Technology; HIST 512: History Teaching Practicum

Kimber Quinney

Assistant Professor of History
U.S. foreign relations; U.S.-Italian relations; Italian fascism; ideology and foreign policy; immigration and foreign policy

Degrees: B.A. History Lewis and Clark College; M.A. International Relations School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins; M.A. and Ph.D. History UC Santa Barbara

Selected Research: “Teaching the History of the Cold War through the Lens of Immigration” The History Teacher Vol. 51, No. 4 (August 2018): 661-696; “’Thank God He’s on Our Side’: A Roundtable in Celebration of the Scholarship of David F. Schmitz” (forthcoming, Pacific Historical Review, November 2019); Co-editor and contributor, Understanding and Teaching Recent American History from Reagan to Trump (forthcoming, The Harvey Goldberg Series for Understanding and Teaching History, University of Wisconsin Press)

Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall

Professor of History
Haiti/France, Colonialism, Film and Historical Video Games, Atlantic World, Jewish, Gender

Degrees: B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.A. Stanford; Ph.D. Stanford

Selected Research: Slave Revolt on Screen: The Haitian Revolution in Film and Video Games (University Press of Mississippi, 2021); The Abbé Grégoire and the French Revolution: The Making of Modern Universalism (University of California Press, 2005); Haitian History: New Perspectives (Routledge, 2012); "The Specter of Saint-Domingue: American and French Reactions to the Haitian Revolution," in The World of the Haitian Revolution, (Indiana, 2009); "Atlantic Revolutions," in Encyclopedia of the Modern World, ed. Peter Stearns (Oxford University Press, 2008).

Citlali Sosa-Riddell

Assistant Professor of History
Latinx and Latin American History

Degrees: B.A. Pomona College; M.A. University of California, San Diego; Ph.D. UCLA

Antonio M. Zaldívar

Associate Professor and Department chair
Medieval Europe

Degrees: B.A. Florida State University; M.A. Western Michigan University; Ph.D. University of California Los Angeles

Selected Publications: Iberia, the Mediterranean, & the World in the Medieval & Early Modern Periods. Edited by Thomas W. Barton, Marie A. Kelleher, and Antonio M. Zaldívar. Special Issue of the journal Pedralbes, vol. 40 (2020), 47-208; “La lengua como instrumento de diplomacia en la correspondencia entre las cancillerías reales de Aragón y Mallorca, 1341-1349.” In Diplomacia y desarrollo del Estado en la Corona de Aragón (Siglos XIV-XVI). Ed. by Concepción Villanueva Morte. Gijón: Ediciones Trea, 2020, 345-58; “James I and the Rise of Codeswitching Diplomacy in Thirteenth-Century Catalonia." Viator 47:3 (2016), 189-208; “Patricians’ Embrace of the Dominican Convent of St. Catherine in Thirteenth-Century Barcelona,” Medieval Encounters 18 (2012), 174-206.

Graduate Courses Offered: HIST 512: Teaching History: Theory and Practice; HIST 699c: Independent Study