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Presentation or Event Request

Presentation RequestThe SHCS staff  (Health Educator and Counselors) are available for classroom lectures and event collaborations on a variety of  topics. If you're unavailable for a class, don't cancel it! Schedule a classroom presentation.

We kindly ask that you make your request at least 30 days or more in advance so that we can try our best to accommodate. Please note that we are unable to fulfill requests during our all staff meeting times or requests made less than 30 days (but we will try). 

For presentations relating to sexual harm/sexual violence, please submit a request to our Sexual Violence Training Requests form.

Request for a Presentation or Event Collaboration with SHCS

We are available for all CSUSM departments and organizations including: Greek Life, Student Orgs, Student Life Centers, Athletics, GELL 101, ASI and classes on a wide variety of topics. Please see the presentations that are available below: 

Student Health and Counseling and Hope and Wellness Overview: This presentation provides an overview of the comprehensive support services offered by CSUSM's Student Health and Counseling Services, including the Hope and Wellness Program. Students will learn about the range of resources available to support their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, from medical care and counseling services to wellness workshops and peer support groups. Attendees will gain insights into how these services which will support their ability to thrive academically and personally. This presentation offers valuable information and resources to foster a healthy and resilient campus community.

GEL Adapting to College: Embarking on the journey of college brings excitement, challenges, and new experiences. This presentation aims to equip students with the tools and strategies needed to navigate the transition smoothly. From managing time effectively to finding support networks, attendees will learn practical tips for academic success and personal growth. Through interactive discussions and real-life examples, we'll explore the ins and outs of college life and empower students to thrive in their new environment. This presentation offers valuable insights and guidance for a fulfilling academic journey.

GEL Optimal Wellbeing: Maintaining optimal wellbeing is essential for success. This presentation delves into the various dimensions of wellbeing, including physical, emotional, and social aspects, and offers practical strategies for nurturing each one. From stress management techniques to building healthy habits and fostering meaningful connections, attendees will gain actionable insights to support their overall wellbeing. Through interactive exercises and discussions, attendees will explore ways to prioritize self-care, manage academic pressures, and cultivate a balanced lifestyle.

Anxiety and Coping Strategies: Anxiety is a common experience for many college students. This presentation offers practical coping strategies to help students navigate anxiety and stress effectively. From mindfulness techniques to seeking support resources, attendees will learn actionable steps to manage anxiety and promote mental wellbeing. Through open discussions and interactive exercises, attendees will gain insights into recognizing triggers of anxiety and developing personalized coping mechanisms. This presentation provides valuable tools to promote resilience and success in college.

Improving Focus: Maintaining focus is key to academic success and productivity in college. This presentation offers practical strategies to help students enhance their concentration and attention span. From minimizing distGELractions to implementing effective study routines and mindfulness practices, attendees will learn actionable techniques to sharpen their focus. Through engaging discussions and interactive exercises, attendees will explore ways to overcome common barriers to concentration and cultivate a focused mindset. This presentation provides valuable insights and tools to optimize focus and achieve academic goals.

Mental Health, Wellness, and Self-Care: Taking care of our mental health and overall wellbeing is crucial for success and happiness. This presentation explores the importance of mental health, wellness, and self-care practices for students. Through practical tips and strategies, attendees will learn how to prioritize their mental health amidst the academic rigors and pressures of college life. From stress management techniques to self-care rituals and seeking support resources, attendees will gain insights into fostering a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Through open discussions and interactive activities, this presentation aims to empower students to make self-care a priority and cultivate resilience for navigating the challenges of college with confidence and compassion.

Motivation and Procrastination: Staying motivated and avoiding procrastination are essential skills. This presentation dives into the psychology of motivation and procrastination, offering practical strategies to help students overcome barriers and stay on track. From setting realistic goals to breaking tasks into manageable steps and utilizing time-management techniques, attendees will learn actionable approaches to boost productivity and motivation. Through interactive discussions and real-life examples, attendees will explore ways to identify underlying causes of procrastination and develop personalized strategies for staying motivated. This presentation provides valuable insights and tools to foster a proactive and productive approach to college life.

Mindfulness: In the hustle and bustle of college life, practicing mindfulness can be a powerful tool for managing stress and promoting overall well-being. This presentation introduces students to the concept of mindfulness and its benefits for academic success and personal growth. Through guided exercises and discussions, attendees will learn practical mindfulness techniques to help them stay grounded, focused, and resilient in the face of challenges. From mindful breathing to body scans and daily mindfulness practices, attendees will explore ways to incorporate mindfulness into their daily routines. This presentation provides valuable insights and tools to cultivate presence and peace amid the demands of college life.

Stress Management: In college, managing stress is essential for maintaining well-being and academic performance. This presentation combines stress management techniques with mindfulness practices to equip students with comprehensive tools for coping with stress. Through this interactive workshop, attendees will learn how to recognize and respond to stress triggers effectively. From deep breathing and meditation to mindful movement and relaxation techniques, attendees will explore a range of practices tailored to alleviate stress and promote mental resilience. This presentation offers practical strategies to integrate mindfulness into your stress management toolkit and foster a healthier, more balanced college experience.

Test Anxiety: Test anxiety can be a significant hurdle for many students, but with the right strategies, it can be overcome. This presentation provides practical techniques to help students manage test anxiety effectively and perform their best under pressure. Through interactive discussions and guided exercises, attendees will learn how to identify symptoms of test anxiety and implement coping mechanisms to alleviate stress. From relaxation techniques and positive self-talk to time management strategies and effective study habits, attendees will explore a range of approaches to build confidence and reduce anxiety during exams. This presentation offers valuable insights and tools to conquer test anxiety and excel academically.

Sleep Hygiene: Quality sleep is fundamental for academic success and overall well-being. This presentation dives into the importance of sleep hygiene and offers practical strategies for improving sleep habits. Through interactive discussions and evidence-based tips, attendees will learn how to create a sleep-friendly environment, establish consistent bedtime routines, and prioritize relaxation techniques to enhance sleep quality. From managing screen time to optimizing bedroom conditions and regulating sleep schedules, attendees will explore actionable steps to promote restorative sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and alert. This presentation provides valuable insights and tools to prioritize sleep hygiene for peak academic performance and overall health.

Aware, Awake, & A!ive: Alochol 101: This presentation focuses on college students and drinking behaviors. It covers the physical and psyhchological effects of alcohol, the risks associated with binge drinking, and strategies for making safe and informed choices. Participants will learn how to recognize signs of alcohol misuse and how to support peers in need of help from possible alcohol poisoning, promote a healthier and more responsible campus community. 

Be a Cougar UPstander!: Being an active bystander can be challenging. This workshop empwoers college students to take an active role in promoting safety and respect in their community. It focuses on the importance of bystander intervention, teaching students how to recognize potentially harmful situations and effectively intervene. 

Being a Healthy Cougar - Tips for Leading a Healthy Lifestyle: This presentation provides colelge students with practical tips and strategies for mainintaing a healthy lifestyle. It covers essential topics such as balanced nutrition, sleep, stress management, and physical activity. Participants will learn how to integrate healthy habits into their daily routines, make informed choices and build a foundation for long-term health and wellness. 

Deadly Buzz (Alcohol and Other Drugs):  Students in college may seek opportunities to engage in high risk behaviors including high consumption of alcohol or utilizing drugs. In this presentation, we explore the dangers and health risks associated with substance misuse, the impact on academic and personal life, and the potential legal consequences. Participants will gain valuable knowledge on prevention, recognizing signs of substance misuse, and seeking help for themselves or others,  promoting a safer and healthier campus environment.

Mindful Eating: Introducing students to the principles of mindful eating. This presentation will focus on developing a healthy relationship with food by paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, understanding emotional eating, and making conscious food choices. Participants will learn how to achieve a balanced approach to nutrition, contributing to overall

Smart, Sexy and Safe: Students will learn about safe sexual practices and the importance of consent. It covers topics such as contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and effective communication with partners. Students will leave knowing how to establish and respect boundaries, and ways to promote a culture of mutual respect and safety in relationships. 

Sex BINGO (Sexually Transmitted Infections): This interactive workshop uses a fun and engaging BINGO game format to educate college students about sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Participants will learn important facts about prevention, symptoms, testing and treatment of various STIs. The game encourages open discussion about sexual and reproductive health and provides a safe space to ask questions, promoting awareness and knowlege about sexual health in an enjoyable and memorable way.

Cougar Supporting Cougars (Mental Health): Fostering a supportive community by educating college students about mental health and available resources is important. Addressing common mental health challenges faced by students and learning how to support a peer through various strategies will be offered. Participants will earn how to recognize distress in themselves and how to offer resources for help. 

Presentations are from peer educators, counselors or health educator. For information, or to make an appointment, please call: Cathy Nguyen, Health Educator: (760) 750-4917.