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OU Campus Communication Archive

CSUSM OmniCMS (Website Editor) Scheduled Maintenance 6/21/24

The OmniCMS website editing system will be unavailable for use on Friday, 6/21/24, for scheduled maintenance/upgrading. This will not affect the live website ( Please plan on not making any website adjustments on this date. If you have an emergency change needed, you can email it to during that outage time and we will try to accommodate.

We do not expect any significant changes to the web authoring interface that will require additional training, but new functionality will be addressed on our guides page after we have time to review the updates.

Security Update - 5/18/22

COMPLETED: Omni CMS is getting a security update completed successfully at 12:05 pm. 

Upgrade 3/18/22

COMPLETED: OU Campus is getting a security update and we will also make the switch to a new view/interface from version 10 to 11. During the upgrade, OU Campus will be unavailable. The switch from 10 to 11 will not affect your access to edit pages and you will still have the same footer -- “Edit this Page” -- easy access. What you will notice are some changes to menu options and locations. While this is a move forward for responsive design and some usability features, you may find it is a temporary setback while relearning locations of options. We are available for support at if you have any difficulties with the new layout.

New Login procedures for OU Campus

Before authoring on your first page per browsing session, you will be required to log into OU Campus with a new multi-factor authentication step (DUO). Since this has its own redirecting process, it will need to be done before using the quick "Edit this Page" link in the footer of pages. Once you log in, it will remember you and you can then use the "Edit this Page" link in the footer for all subsequent page edits. A new redirect was created to help you quickly get to this login --

COVID Messaging

The COVID messaging has been updated. A new minimal design is now in place where any departmental message is in a button at the top of the page. Questions or concerns, please contact:

OU Campus Scheduled Upgrade

OU Campus back online - available as of 12:30pm on 3/5/21

The upgrade of OU Campus was completed and services are availale again.

OU Campus Upgrade Complete

OU Campus was upgraded successfully this morning (1/8/20). If you find any issues, please contact

Updated Navigation Management

Instead of having multiple navigation files we are centralizing your navigation menu to just one file. This menu will be easy to access from any of your pages in OU Campus with a click. Updating the menu requires a single publish of the file to update throughout your website. For further instructions, we have an updated guide for maintaining your navigation.

New Look to Image Captions 11/14/19

Image captions have been updated to have a more cohesive design with the rest of the site's look. This change does not effect the functionality or implementation steps.

Navigation Bug Notice -- Posted announcement 8/23/19

There is a known loading issue with files at this time. The Web Team is investigating the cause of the issue and hope to have it resolved shortly.

If you need to update your site's navigation, please email and someone from the team will assist with your requested web edits. 

UPDATE: Issues resolved 8/23/19

Allowed Files Change Notice -- Posted Announcement 6/25/19

The logic behind files that are allowed to be uploaded into OU Campus has been modified. The only files allowed to be uploaded now are: pcf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, svg, xlsx, xls, zip, gif.

This change should not impact web content editor's workflows but if a needed file type was missed from the above white list, please email the extension to:

OU Campus Version Upgrade on 6/20/19 -- Posted and Emailed Announcement 6/18/19

OU Campus will be updated to a newer version, but this will not affect your user-interface experience. However, we need to shut down the server at about 10:30 AM on 6/20/19. The outage time for this is estimated at 3-4 hours, so please do not plan on authoring web content during this day after 10:30 AM. We will post an "all clear" message here when services have been restored.


Site-wide OU Campus publish on 5/20/19 -- Posted and Emailed Announcement 5/9/19

A publishing of all content in OU Campus is needed to updated pages with fixes related to the template structure and to update the canonical references for pages from http to https (this affects our search indexing).

Email Subject: CSUSM OU Campus Site-wide Publishing of WWW content on 5/20/19

Dear OU Campus Authors,

The Web Team needs to publish the web directories in OU Campus that go to www (not faculty pages) on 5/20/19 at approximately 8:30 AM. This is required in order to fix structure on the campus templates and update back-end content in the pages source code. There will be NO CHANGE TO APPEARANCE OR FRONT-END CONTENT.

Where Your Assistance is Needed:

We are notifying you because there may be content within your directories that you do not want on the live www web server. If this is the case, we ask for the following from you:

  1. SAVE OPEN PAGES: If you have checked out pages, they will be checked back in for this publish. Make sure to save any development work you have been doing prior to this publishing date.
  2. If you have been storing old content in OU Campus that can be removed safely (i.e. you are sure it is not being linked to/used), please remove the content prior to 5/20/19 or notify us for assistance with removing it (please be specific with locations). If redirects are needed, we can assist with that too.
  3. If you have content that needs to stay in OU Campus (a seasonal page or a page in development) but should not be on www, please send us a detailed list of these locations (directories or individual files) and we will quickly remove them back off the live server after publish (keeping them in OU Campus).

Please plan on NOT AUTHORING WEB PAGES in OU Campus on the morning of 5/20/19:

Although OU Campus will technically be available during this publishing time, it will likely have slow response times. We will send out a follow-up email when the publishing is complete and it is back to normal for your authoring needs.

Thank you,

Jay, Amanda, Andre, and Jason – Web Team

Updated YouTube Snippet -- Posted Announcement 3/19/19

Updated YouTube snippet to accept more URL options and easier time-start functionality. All previous snippets were updated by the Web Team on department pages.

OU Campus Version Upgrade -- Posted Announcement 2/14/19

OU Campus will be upgraded within a two-hour window from 10am to noon [ended up being 1-1:45 pm] on Feb. 14, 2019. We don't expect the upgrade to take the full two hours, but the system will be unavailable while being upgraded.

New Department Template Styling -- 1/18/19

Template style updated to match the new campus homepage -- mainly the header/footer and navigation menu.

New CSUSM Homepage launched - Posted Announcement 11/5/18

Launched November 5th. If you have feedback, please use the link "Website Feedback" at the bottom of the homepage!

Preview Server Now Available - Posted Announcement 5/31/18

Preview Publishing for Development Pages - Tutorial

Image Caption - Posted Announcement 5/22/18

Images w/ captions introduce a stylized way to add overlay caption text onto images. Get started: Image Caption Guide.

Added Image Captions - Posted Announcement 5/22/18

Images w/ captions introduce a stylized way to add overlay caption text onto images. Get started: Image Caption Guide.

Added Snippets to Faculty Site - Posted Announcement 2/15/18

The functionality available on www sites is now available on the faculty template (except for the directory snippet).

Updated Stylesheet - Posted Announcement 2/12/18

We've updated our web stylesheet with a refreshed color palette and minor styling adjustments to better align with our campus brand. These new styles have been applied to all pages within OU Campus. If you notice any issues with your content, please contact

Updates include:

  • New Color Palette
  • Heading and Section colors and sizes
  • Updated Tables
  • Buttons
  • ...and much more

Roles Increased - Posted Announcement 1/25/18

OU Campus Satisfaction Survey Results - Posted Announcement 12/21/17

CSUSM OU Campus Training, Enhancements, and Survey - Emailed 12/11/17

Hello Web Authors,

OU Campus Satisfaction Survey:

We are halfway through collecting survey results for the OU Campus Satisfaction survey and already some good data is coming through (thank you to those that have submitted their survey already – the rest of you have until this Friday morning 10 AM). One of the clear suggestions from the survey was to offer formal training sessions on the product. Luckily, we were already developing an overview workshop for OU Campus and we will be offering the first one next week. We may develop more specialized training as we assess the needs of our campus web authors. So, keep the comments/suggestions coming – we are listening.


OU Campus general training (overview) will be offered in a two-hour workshop format each month (as demand dictates). These are hands-on sessions and will be conducted in the newly renovated Technology Resource Center (KEL 2414) – space is limited so please sign up for your spot on the OU Campus Announcements page (or use the waitlist option for early notification of the next available training opportunity).

  • December 19, 2017 from 2 pm – 4 pm in KEL 2414

Enhancements to OU Campus:

  • The directory/profile card snippet is now improved to provide easier row adding/moving options, the results on page come back faster, and you can put in multiple directory sections on the same page now (to break up your contacts by type/section).
  • NEW Accordion snippet introduced to allow collapsible/expandable headings with sub-content. Please keep in mind that these are meant to be used in special cases and Accordions Are Not Always the Answer for Complex Content on Desktops – please contact if you want some assistance picking the right layout for your web content.
  • Details about “Page Add-Ons Snippets” are available in the Web Tutorials area.


Web Team

(Jay, Amanda, Andre, and Jason)


CSUSM OU Campus: Scheduled Maintenance Monday 10/30 10 am - 11 am - Limitted Emailing 10/27/17

Hello Web Editors,

Monday 10/30 from about 10 am to 11 am, CSUSM OU Campus will be unavailable for web editing.

The system will be updated to a newer version to fix some bugs and add functionality (mostly administrative). This is not a version change that will affect the way you use the product. An announcement will also be placed on the login page announcements and web team homepage regarding the status of the system during the maintenance.

We appreciate your understanding,

Web Team

P.S. This was a limited email release and you are receiving this because you are an active user of CSUSM OU Campus (having logged in within the last two weeks). 

CSUSM OU Campus Enhancements -- Directory and Social Media Snippets - Emailed 10/20/17

Dear Web Editors,

It has been 60 days since we rolled out OU Campus!  We hope you are pleased with the new features.  If you haven’t used OU Campus yet, check out the OU Campus Communication Archive and OU Campus Guides.

We are continuing to add capabilities, and today we want to introduce two new enhancements:

  • Directory & Profile Cards Snippet:
      • This new snippet has two views (list or cards) and replaces the “Directory Template” from Cascade. To learn how to use this snippet and a more in-depth overview of its function check out the Directory Snippet Guide.
      • The Web Team will convert most of the existing directories within departments
  • Social Media Snippet:
      • This snippet allows for 1-5 set social media connections to be placed on your page with the officially designed icons and formatting. Learn about how to use the Social Media Snippet on the Social Media Snippet Guide.
      • The Web Team will attempt to find and replace existing social media usage with this new, official, method to keep the campus in compliance of style and accessibility guidelines. If you want to make sure we find and replace your social media use cases, please email 

Coming soon:

The team is busy working on new site features and making the product easier to use. Here’s a preview of what we are working on:

  • OU Campus Training – Our open labs identified some key areas for training and are developing a more hands-on training. We expect to have the first training scheduled in late November and will post dates/times on the OU Campus announcements page (seen at login on OU Campus).
  • Accordion List Snippet
  • Image w/Caption and Image w/link
  • Buttons

You can keep up on future development projects and an explanation of listed items at the Future Features page.

As always, let us know if you have comments or questions.

The Web Team
(Jay, Andre, Amanda, and Jason) 

Faculty Web Pages -- Template/Editing Available in CSUSM OU Campus - Emailed 10/3/17

Hello Faculty and Administrative Coordinators,

Web editing is now available to you for the directories that reside at

We appreciate your patience while IITS has replaced our website’s Content Management System (CMS).  The new OU Campus CMS has all of Cascade’s functionality, but with a more user-friendly interface and browsing quick-edit option. You can find out more about OU Campus from their features page.

If you had a directory before, or helped maintain directories for faculty in your department, you should now be able to edit/maintain them again in a new mobile-friendly template via OU Campus.

There are two ways to access the pages for editing:

The easy way for individual pages by browsing:

  1. Use a browser to go to the address of the page you want to edit
    and in the blue bar footer, right-click to have an “Edit this Page” link appear. Click the link
  2. The “Edit this Page” link will take you right into OU Campus but require a login with your campus username/password first (if you weren’t already working in OU Campus). It will then redirect to your specific page.

The indirect way (more for administrative coordinators editing multiple sites):

  1. You can go directly to the OU Campus website to log in at:
    using your campus username/password
  2. From there, you can use the “Content”  button in the top blue bar and it will list all of the directories. Scroll to a directory you have access to (will appear blue instead of black) and click on it to find your “index.pcf” file and that is likely the only thing you will need to edit for the site.

Editing Content:

  • General editing guides are found at (these are slightly specific to the www pages, but they give you the basics on how to use the system).
  • The main thing you need to do is click on the index.pcf page and then “check out” the page with the lightbulb icon at the top.
  • Then, you can click on the “Properties” button to the left of the lightbulb and it will give you more editing options for title, which tabs you want to use, your contact information, etc.
  • You can also just edit within the page using the green “Edit” button wherever you see them in the body content areas (each tab has a specific edit button for the tab contents).
  • To replace out your profile image, it MUST be placed in your “images” subfolder with the filename matching your username (web folder name). Example: would have “jdoe.jpg” inside of the images folder at – if no corresponding image is found, a placeholder image is used.

Saving and Publishing:

  • When you are done making changes, click the save icon and then use the “Publish” button to make it live on the site.

Open Labs and Assistance:

  • We will be having Open Lab sessions where you can come and ask any questions and get hands-on help.

 TRC (Kellogg 2414) Open Labs offered the following days/times:

  • 10/5 (Thursday): 2-3 pm
  • 10/6 (Friday): 10-11 am

Additional days will be updated on the Web Announcements page.

You can also send questions to us via email.

The Web Team

CSUSM OU Campus Open Labs and Announcements - Emailed 9/29/17

Hello Web Authors,

We are offering the first of a series of open labs for you to come by and ask any web questions or receive technical assistance with OU Campus.

TRC (Kellogg 2414):

  • 10/5 (Thursday): 2-3 pm
  • 10/6 (Friday): 10-11 am

Future offerings, updated guides, and on-going announcements about OU Campus releases or fixes will be posted on the announcements page seen when logging into OU Campus and available on the web announcements site.

We have some computers available in the Open Lab area or you can bring your own laptop.

The Web Team
(Jay, Amanda, Jason, & Andre) 

Website Full Publish Wednesday Night - 9/13/17 - Emailed 9/11/17

Web Authors,

We need to perform another full-site publish this Wednesday evening (9/13/17) (same as before – no service interruption).

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your patience as we make server adjustments to get everything working correctly in this new system.

We will follow up this publish with the unpublishing of same folders/files you provided before, but let us know if there are any new ones since last week.


The Web Team

Website Full Publish Thursday Night - Emailed 9/6/17

Hello Web Authors,

This Thursday evening (9/7/17), we need to publish out a change to all of the www web pages in order to correct some accessibility issues. The changes will not affect the appearance of pages, they are back-end code changes.

The website will NOT be down at any time and there is no need for a CSUSM OU Campus lockout period.

However, some of you have pages or directories of content in a draft state that may not be ready for live publishing. Unfortunately, all pages need to be adjusted and published, but we can remove them from the live server Friday morning. If you have any particular pages or directories that require this follow-up “unpublish”, please let us know today/tomorrow and we will add it our list.

Thank you,

The Web Team

OU Campus Now Available - Emailed 8/16/17

Hi Web Editors,

OU Campus is now available!

We appreciate your patience during the transition period from Cascade to OU Campus. This is a soft launch and more design and layout features will be made available soon.

Logging In:

  • The Quick Start Guide will step you through getting into the system and editing a page.

How to use OU Campus:

What’s Next?:

  • Trainings: Trainings have not been scheduled yet but will be made available soon. In the meantime, the OU Campus Guides outline nearly every process users can do in OU Campus.
  • Cascade Development Content: If you had development content in Cascade please double check that the content has been moved into OU Campus. If development content is missing, please email
  • Future Features - Coming soon!: This is a light launch. More functionality/templates are in development and will be available soon in OU. Notices will be made as features are introduced.

If you have any issues please email the Web Team at:

Thank you,
The Web Team

REMINDER -- TODAY LAST EDITS: OU Campus to Replace Cascade - Emailed 7/12/17

Hi Web Editors,

This is a reminder that today will be your last access to make edits in Cascade. Starting tomorrow, 7/13/2017 at 8 am the Web Team will begin moving content into the new system. If you have any last minute edits, please get them done before the end of today. [NOTE: Lockout period actually started 7/14/17]

If you have any unforeseen edits that are required during the next few weeks, please email with your request and the Web Team and we will try to accommodate them.

We foresee providing access to the new system, OU Campus, around August and will resume editing access then. During this time you may want to review the How-to guides on the OU Campus website (we will provide our own training in the near future).

Thank you,

The Web Team
Jay Rees, Andre Rychener, Jason Eberwein, and Amanda Umphrey

OU Campus to Replace Cascade - Emailed 6/26/17

Hi Web Editors,

A number of you expressed frustration with Cascade over the years and we are now doing something about it. The campus will be transitioning away from Cascade to a more friendly web editor. OU Campus will be the new content management system and we are pretty excited about it.

Why was OU Campus chosen?

OU Campus (by OmniUpdate) is geared specifically to delivering web content for higher education and is used by four of our sister CSU campuses. It offers a more natural and user-friendly editing methods of this system and it provides new tools that will extend out functionality for the entire website.

How will the transition go?

Transitioning content from Cascade to OU Campus will happen automatically for you.

There will be a period of time where we lockout Cascade access in order to move files and setup in the new system. You will not have access to make updates to web content during this time (the live website will remain in use the whole time).

OmniUpdate and our team expect this transition window to be 2-3 weeks, depending on the quality assurance process. We will provide more details when the time comes, along with presentation or workshop events.

What do I need to do?

In preparation for this move, we could use some help from you:

  • Clear out any old files/archives you know are no longer needed in Cascade (unpublish and then delete).
  • Plan to make any necessary updates to content by July 10th
    • Emergency updates will be handled by the Web Team during the lockout period
  • Verify authoring access by referencing a published list [link removed].

If you have any questions, or need assistance, feel free to contact us at:  

Thank you,
The Web Team - Jay, Jason, Andre, and Amanda