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Daily Dose of Mindfulness

"Daily Dose of Mindfulness" (formerly "Weekly Sits") is an opportunity for all CSUSM community members to experience guided mindfulness practices with a facilitator. Sessions have a variety of different practices ranging from 5 minutes to 25 minutes. These practices could include breath meditation, body scan, mindful eating, mindful movement, compassion and loving kindness practices, visualization and other mindful activities. 


All are welcome including partners, pets, friends and family!
Sus hijos, esposos y compañeros de casa son bienvenidos. 

Mindful CSUSM Community Agreements

When participating in mindfulness activities through the virtual platform, we the Mindful CSUSM community, agree to adhere to the following principles and actions to ensure the best experience for all:

  • Sessions will not be recorded to respect the privacy of participants and facilitators.
  • Facilitators will control audio mute/unmute for all sessions.  Participants may use “hand raise” and chat for questions/comments
  • Please use first name (rather than phone number or other handle) on your screen (last name optional).  
  • Please check in for mindfulness sits by posting your name and campus role (faculty/staff/student) in the zoom chat or by renaming your screen.
  • Video On is a strongly suggested default for participants. (At minimum, “video on” upon joining a session is requested.)This practice emphasizes the safety and comfort of the facilitator and fellow participants, and allows the facilitator to monitor any trauma responses in participants.
  • Join us with an open mind and heart to receive the most benefit from the practice!

Fall 2024 Weekly Sessions:

Try some of our pre-recorded offerings as well!

Session Schedule
Mondays 3:00pm to 4:00pm Dr. Juan Alvarez

Via zoom

Tuesdays 12:00 to 12:30pm

Dr. Ranjeeta Basu and guests In person
Thursdays 12:00 to 12:30pm Drs. Jennifer Jeffries,  Fritz Kreisler and Paul Stuhr Hybrid 
Fridays 8:00am to 8:30am Dr. Ranjeeta Basu



If you would like to register with us use the form below.

CCP Interest Form

If you have questions, please email Dr. Ranjeeta Basu at