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Young Children (4-8)

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Is someone in your house sick? Has someone you loved died? This can be very hard and make you sad. This page is for you. 

There are lots of reasons that people we love get sick. Sometimes they are sick for a short time, like when we get the flu. But other times the sickness goes on for a long time. It is important for you to talk with your parents or other adults you trust about the illness and your feelings. Share your feelings with the adults you love - you will feel better! 

Someone I love has cancer

Someone in my family has cancer: A video for kids and parents HD

It is really sad and sometimes hard to understand when a family member has cancer. We hope this video will help you understand what cancer means and give you comfort.

 Someone I love died

Sometimes the people we love die.  This is really hard... and you might not understand the way you are feeling.  In this video, Elmo talks about his feelings when his uncle died.

Sesame Street talks about grief – Big Feelings

"Elmo and Jessie sometimes have big feelings when they remember Uncle Jack, but Elmos dad Louie reminds them that it helps to talk about their feelings." 

Has someone in your life died and is it giving you big feelings too? Maybe hearing what Louie has to say to Elmo about big feelings can help you too. 

Sesame Street talks about grief – The Memory Box

"Elmos cousin Jessie shows Elmo her memory box, a place where she keeps things that remind her of her dad."

Watch the video to see Jessie's memory box. Maybe it will give you ideas to remember your loved ones. 

People Who Can Help You

It is important that you know that there are always people in your life who can help you to understand sickness and death.  These people include:


Your Mom and Dad

Your mom and dad are there to help you. If you feel sad or scared, you should talk with them first.



Sometimes it is hard to find someone in the family to talk to. You can always go to your teacher and tell her/him about how you are feeling.  Your teacher will help you.  


Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles 

Families are made up of lots of people. If your parents can't help you, think about the other people in your family who will listen.  Talk with them.

Do you have questions?

You can send us questions and we will post answers every Friday afternoon.  To ask a question, click on Ask Us -- then look back here next week to see the answers to your questions.